The captivation of moving pictures is a source of tremendous
inspiration. For this reason and many
more, RB28’s Movie Narratives, continues showing our love for movies with
another movie narrative. This week, Dogville (2003), will be converted into
a narrative and subsequently highlighted.
It is implied that the blog reader reads the movie narrative, and then,
he or she should watch the movie. The
effort is to give to blog reader, an enhanced experience. RB28’s Movie Narratives, ends this movie
narrative of Dogville (2003), with
some Hollywood facts.

- Nicole Kidman (Grace Margaret Mulligan).
- Harriet Anderson (Gloria).
- Lauren Bacall (Ma Ginger).
- Jean-Marc Barr (The Man with the Big Hat).
- Paul Bettany (Tom Edison).
- Blair Brown (Mrs. Henson).
- James Caan (The Big Man).
- Patricia Clarkson (Vera).
- Jeremy Davies (Bill Henson).
- Ben Gazzara (Jack McKay).
- Philip Baker Hall (Tom Edison, Sr.).
- Thom Hoffman (Gangster).
- Siobhan Fallon Hogan (Martha).
- John Hurt (Narrator).
- Zeljko Ivanek (Ben).

The movie narrative is as
follows. This movie is filmed, as if it
was, a live theater performance.
Dogville is the name of the town.
Furthermore, the town is tiny or miniature. Dogville is painted on the stage floor. The lights around the stage change, according
to the time of the day. The actors walk
around the stage, and, the camera follows.
Finally, there is always a narrator that takes the viewer, step by step,
through this story. The story is
comprised of a prologue, and, nine chapters.
The prologue starts. The town is
tiny, furthermore, Canyon Road
is the entrance and exit of Dogville.
Elm Street is the principal street, furthermore, it is in the middle of
the town. The people of Dogville are
poor, and, they each have their own specialized job. Dogville is in the Rocky Mountains,
U.S.A. Tom Edison, Jr. and Tom Edison, Sr. live in
the best house in the town. Tome Edison,
Sr. is a retired doctor, and, he receives money from a pension. Tom Edison, Jr. is an aspiring and
procrastinating author. Tom leaves the
house and stands on Elm Street. He says hello to Olivia, and, he has small
talk with Chuck. Chuck is the father to
several children, and, he is married to Vera.
Tom travels to the Mission House, and, talks to Martha. The Mission House is the church, but, it
doesn’t have a priest. Martha plays the
organ, and, she watches the Mission House.
Furthermore, Martha rings the bell.
Tom walks and talks to Ma Ginger.
Ma Ginger is raking her gooseberry orchard. Gloria is present, and, she becomes part of
the conversation. Unexpectedly, Ben
arrives driving his truck. The truck is
a delivery, or freight truck, and it is the only one in Dogville. Tom helps Ben arrive at Dogville. Tom passes time by himself sitting on a
bench. Bill is dumb, and, he plays
checkers with Tom. Bill and Tom are
friends since they were children. Bill
is also Liz’s brother. Bill and Liz are
part of the Henson Family. Tom is
sexually attracted to Liz. Tom passes
time playing checkers with Bill. The
prologue ends, and, chapter one begins.
Tom passes time, by himself, on Elm Street. Tom believes that, he heard gun shots. He walks to where Canyon
Road meets Elm Street. Tom sits on the bench that, is located
there. After some time, Tom falls asleep
on the bench. Unexpectedly; Grace enters
Dogville, furthermore, she walked on Canyon Road,
and onto, Elm Street. Grace walks to the end of Elm
Street, and, she steals a bone from Moses. Moses is the dog of Dogville. Tom hears Moses barking, and, he walks to the
end of Elm Street.
Immediately, Tom sees Grace. Grace tries
to hide, but, she is unable to hide.
Unexpectedly, a car appears on Canyon Road,
and, it continues onto Elm Street. Grace asks Tom for help, in hiding. Tom helps Grace hide in the abandoned
mine. The car has gangsters inside. Furthermore, Tom talks to the gangsters. The crime boss is also in the car. The crime boss tells Tom that, he is looking
for a woman. Tom denies knowledge of a
woman, entering Dogville. The crime boss
gives Tom a card. He also asks Tom to
call him, if he sees the woman. The car
and the gangsters, leave Dogville. Grace
goes to Tom’s house, with Tom. At Tom’s
house, Grace and Tom pass time talking.
Grace tells Tom that, she was raised to be an arrogant woman. Tom asks about the gangsters, but, Grace
doesn’t give up information.
Furthermore, Grace tells Tom that, she doesn’t have a family; only a
father. Grace also says that, the
gangsters took her father away. Tom
extends an invitation to Grace, to stay in Dogville. The next day, Tom gives a lecture to the
adults of Dogville. The lecture was
given at the Mission House. During the
lecture, Grace hides in the abandoned mine.
As part of the lecture, Tom takes Grace to meet the adults of
Dogville. The adults of Dogville know
that, Grace is being looked for by gangsters.
Furthermore, that she needs a place of refuge. The adults of Dogville decide to give Grace
two weeks of refuge, in Dogville. Tom
becomes the person in charge of Grace.
Furthermore, they stand on Elm Street,
and, Tom teaches her Dogville. Olivia
and June are first. Olivia is a black
woman. She lives in Dogville, because, Tom Edison, Sr. helped her. Olivia is also the cleaning woman. June is Olivia’s daughter, and, she is
crippled. Second is Chuck and Vera, they
have 7 children. Furthermore, Dogville
knows that Chuck and Vera hate each other.
Third is the Henson Family. The
Henson family polishes cheap glass, so that, it looks like expensive
glass. Fourth is Jack McKay,
furthermore, he is a man who is blind.
Jack also tries to fool Dogville, into thinking that, he is not
blind. Fifth is Ben, furthermore, he
lives by himself. Ben is also the
freight truck driver. Sixth is Martha,
furthermore, she lives in and watches the Mission House. Seventh is Ma Ginger and Gloria, furthermore,
Ma Ginger is the owner of the grocery store.
Gloria is Ma Ginger’s cousin.
Chapter one ends, and, chapter two begins. Tom suggests to Grace that, she should offer
physical labor to the adults of Dogville.
Tom believes that, Grace would win acceptance this way. The physical labor would be 1 hour for each
day. Grace offers physical labor to the
adults, of Dogville. Unfortunately, the
adults of Dogville don’t accept Grace’s offer.
Finally, Grace receives some luck.
Tom helps Grace secure work from Ma Ginger. Grace is going to take care of the wild
gooseberry bushes for Ma Ginger. Ma
Ginger teaches Grace, how to take care of, the gooseberry bushes. The adults of Dogville watch, and, they
realize that they want things done.
Grace starts to do physical labor for the rest of Dogville. The exemption was Chuck and Vera. Tom develops an idea, so that, Grace does
physical labor for Chuck and Vera. Tom
believes that, the entrance is through Vera.
Tom told Vera that, Grace would watch her children. Meanwhile, both of them would attend an
intellectual lecture in the Town of Georgetown. The next day, Grace watches Vera’s
children. The day becomes night, Chuck
returns home. Furthermore, Vera hasn’t
returned home. Chuck is angry, but, he
tries to talk to Grace. He also warns
Grace that Dogville is rotten, and, that it fools the people who live
there. Vera returns, and, chapter two
ends. Chapter three begins, the two
weeks of refuge in Dogville have ended.
Grace passes time talking to Jack.
Furthermore, she confronts him about being blind. Jack confesses to Grace that, he is
blind. The adults of Dogville go to the
Mission House, to hold a meeting about Grace.
The two weeks of time, have officially ended. Grace decides that, she will wait for the
vote to stay at the abandoned mine.
Furthermore, she asks for the bell to be rung for each vote. 15 is the number of votes that, will let her
stay in Dogville. Grace collects her
things. Furthermore; she discovers that,
the adults of Dogville left her things or gifts. Tom left a map that shows Grace, how to
escape Dogville. At the abandoned mine,
Grace heard the 15 rings, which let her stay, in Dogville. Tom goes to greet Grace after the vote. Chapter three ends, and, chapter four
begins. The time of the year is spring
into early summer. Grace continues with her routine of providing physical
labor, to the adults of Dogville. Grace
starts to receive wages for her work.
Additionally, she buys her first porcelain figurine from Ma Ginger’s store. Three weeks later, the adults of Dogville
give Grace the old mill, as her house.
Grace starts to help Chuck in the apple orchard, as part of, the
physical labor that she performs.
Unexpectedly, Dogville is alerted that, the police are in town. The police officer puts up a poster on the
Mission House. The police poster has a
picture of Grace on it, with the words missing written on it. That night, the adults of Dogville have a
meeting to talk about the police poster.
Chapter four ends, and, chapter five begins. Dogville holds a celebration for the 4th
of July, also known as, American Independence Day. During the celebration, Tom and Grace pass
time together and apart from the group.
Tom tells Grace that, he loves her.
Grace tells Tom that, she loves him.
During dinner, Dogville express gratitude to Grace. Unexpectedly, a police car is seen on Canyon
Road. Grace
leaves to hide in the abandoned mine.
The police officer takes down the poster, with the words missing on
it. The police officer puts up, in its
place, a poster with a picture of Grace.
The new poster has the words wanted on it. The police officer says that, Grace is wanted
because she robs banks on the west coast.
Furthermore, the police officer adds that, she is considered to be dangerous. Grace continues with her routine, but,
Dogville has changed. Tom and Grace
talk, furthermore, Grace wants to leave.
Tom rejects the idea of leaving.
Instead, Tom suggests that Grace should visit the adults of Dogville,
for physical labor two times a day.
Furthermore, Tom also suggests accepting fewer wages. Grace agrees to do what, Tom suggests. Grace returns to ask Tom, if he still has the
card that the crime boss gave him. Tom
says that, he doesn’t have it. Time
passes and Grace does more physical labor for the adults of Dogville. Unexpectedly, Grace starts to make mistakes
during her work. The adults of Dogville
start, to reprimand Grace. One night,
Grace returns with Chuck from the apple orchard. Chuck attempted to kiss and touch Grace,
earlier in the day. Chuck reprimands
Grace for the lack of respect. Grace
attempts to diffuse the situation. Tom
and Grace talk at Grace’s house.
Furthermore, Grace tells Tom all of the problems that, she is having. Tom deflects what Grace is telling him. Chapter five ends, and, chapter six
begins. Grace is teaching, or educating,
Chuck and Vera’s children. Jason, one of
Chuck’s boys, starts to misbehave in an aggressive way. The aggression is also sexual in nature. Jason wants Grace to spank him. Furthermore, he does things to the baby. Finally, Grace spanks Jason. The spanking was sexual to Jason. Unexpectedly, Chuck arrives home early. He enters in an aggressive manner, but, he is
also helpful. Chuck tells Grace that,
the police have arrived with the F.B.I.
Chuck lets Grace hide in his house.
Unfortunately, Chuck takes advantage of the situation, and, he rapes
Grace. After raping Grace, Chuck helps
with the police and the F.B.I. Chapter
six ends, and, chapter seven begins. Tom
visits Grace to talk. Grace tells Tom
about being raped by Chuck. Tom wants to
tell the people, but, Grace refuses.
Vera confronts Grace about hitting Jason. Vera is extremely angry at Grace, and, Vera
takes away watching her children as a job.
Furthermore, Liz is present and Vera confronts Grace about a romantic
relationship with Tom. Liz becomes angry
with Grace over, Grace being with Tom.
The next morning, Jack starts to touch Grace in a sexual way. That evening, Chuck rapes Grace, for a second
time, in the apple orchard. One night;
Vera, along with Liz and Mrs. Henson, confronts Grace about having sex with her
husband. Furthermore, Vera breaks
Grace’s collection of porcelain figurines; as a warning to stay away from her
husband and children. Tom and Grace meet
and talk about, Grace escaping from Dogville.
Tom decides that asking Ben, for help, is the best option. Furthermore, Tom will ask to borrow money
from his father, in order, to pay Ben.
The next morning, Grace goes to talk about being transported out of
Dogville. Grace offers $10 dollars, and,
Ben agrees. Furthermore, Ben will help
Grace escape when he has to transport the apples out of Dogville. The night before the escape, Tom attempts to
have sex with Grace. Unfortunately, Tom
is not successful. The morning of the
escape, Grace is confronted by the adults of Dogville. Furthermore, they all have work for Grace to
do. Grace arrives at Ben’s truck, and,
Ben changes the plan. Ben asks for the payment
at the beginning, of the transportation.
Unexpectedly, Ben stops and pretends that, the police have blocked the
roads. Ben demands more money for the
escape. Grace doesn’t have money,
unfortunately for Grace; Ben collects payment in the form of rape. After Ben rapes Grace, he turns around and
drives back to Dogville. Grace wakes up
in Dogville, furthermore, she discovers that the adults of Dogville are waiting
for her. The escape attempt officially
fails. It results that, the previous
night, the adults of Dogville had a meeting to discuss stolen money that was
taken from Tom Edison, Sr. Tom Edison,
Jr. didn’t borrow the money, after all.
He also didn’t help Grace at the meeting. That night, the adults of Dogville decide to
punish Grace. They dig up an old iron
wheel. Furthermore, they place an iron
collar, with a bell attached to the collar, on Grace’s neck. Lastly, they use a very long iron chain, and,
they attach the chain to the iron wheel and the iron collar on Grace’s
neck. The adults of Dogville,
officially, put Grace on a chain.
Chapter seven ends, and, chapter eight begins. Tom talks to Grace at, Grace’s house. Tom confesses that he told his father that,
she stole the money. Tom promises to
help her. Grace continues with her routine
and work, wearing the chain and iron wheel.
Unfortunately, the mistreatment becomes sexual. Jack starts to sexually touch Grace in a more
aggressive way. Chuck and Vera are
embarrassed, by the fact that, Dogville knows that Chuck raped Grace. The majority of the men of Dogville, start to
visit Grace at her house, in order to rape her.
Tom feels a unique pain, due to the fact that, the majority of the men
rape Grace. The adults of Dogville, hold
another meeting at the Mission House.
The meeting is about Grace, and, she makes a speech at the meeting. Unfortunately, after the meeting something
changed for Tom. Tom realizes that,
Grace is a threat to him. From this
point forward; the series of events, take the viewer, to the end. You have to watch, to know, Tom’s actions
after he realizes that Grace is a threat to him. Finally; you have to watch, to know how, the
movie ends, and, to know Grace’s true relationship with the crime boss of the
The movie narrative of the feature
film, Dogville (2003), ends with some
Hollywood facts.
The countries of origin are Netherlands,
Denmark, United
Kingdom, France,
Finland, Sweden,
Germany, Italy
and Norway. The official language is English. There are other notable release dates. The other notable dates are: France,
May 19, 2003 (Cannes Film
Festival); Russia,
June 24, 2003 (Moscow Film
Festival); U.S.A.,
August 29, 2003 (Telluride
Film Festival) and Canada,
September 7, 2003 (Toronto
International Film Festival). There are
3 filming locations, in total, for this particular movie. The locations are: Trollhattan, Vastra Gotalands Ian, Sweden;
Film i Vast, Nohab Industrial Estate, Trollhattan, Vastra Gotalands Ian, Sweden
and Filmbyen, Avedore, Sjaelland, Denmark.
There is box office data for this movie.
The original budget is estimated at kr 83 million DKK (Danish
Krone). The opening weekend is for the Country
of France, and, on May 23, 2003. On its opening weekend, this movie made
$661,452 USD. This movie is closed in
theatres on June 11, 2004,
and, for the Country of the United States of
The gross profits, that are reported, are $1,530,386 USD. The filming dates, that are reported, are
January 2002 to March 2002. This
particular movie has several production companies. Eight of the production companies include the
following; Zentropa Entertainments,
Isabella Films B.V., Something Else B.V., Memfis Film, Trollhattan Film AB,
Pain Unlimited GmbH Filmproduktion, Sigma Films and Zoma Films Ltd. There are several distributors for this
movie. A small amount of these distributors
include the following: Trust Film Sales,
A-Film Distribution (Netherlands);
Central Partnership (Russia);
Icon Film Distribution (UK)
and Lions Gate Films (U.S.A.).
To end and as always, RB28’s Movie
Narratives, encourages you to continue reading the posted movie
narratives. The aforementioned blog
strives to provide basic information, so that it, becomes inspiration. Movies are a great pleasure to RB28’s Movie
Narratives, and, the blog’s author hopes that they are for you as well. For this week, and in conclusion, the feature
film was Dogville (2003). RB28’s Movie Narratives looks forward to
seeing you next week, when we highlight another movie.
To Watch the Movie
Trailer, Click Here.
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