Movie Narrative: Home, James (2014)

The captivation of moving pictures is a source of tremendous inspiration.  For this reason and many more, RB28’s Movie Narratives, continues showing its love for movies with another movie narrative.  This week, Home, James (2014), will be converted into a narrative and subsequently highlighted.  It is implied that the blog reader reads the movie narrative, and then, he or she watches the movie.  The effort is to give the blog reader, an enhanced experience.  RB28’s Movie Narratives, ends this movie narrative of Home, James (2014), with some Hollywood facts.  
             Home, James (2014) is an unrated movie.  Furthermore, it is 1 hour and 23 minutes long.  This movie is categorized under the drama and romance genre.  The official release date is April 18th, 2014.  The release date is for the Country of the United States of America.  The director was Jonathan Rossetti.  The writers were Julie Gearheard and Jonathan Rossetti.  The officially recognized stars were Jonathan Rossetti, Kerry Knuppe and Julie Gearheard.  The list of the 15 most important cast members is as follows:
  • Jonathan Rossetti (James).
  • Kerry Knuppe (Cooper).
  • Julie Gearheard (Sam).
  • Rick Dacey (Mike).
  • Kathleen Rose Perkins (Anita Massie).
  • Marshall Bell (Larry).
  • Mary Quick (Tara).
  • Teresa Reilly (Melissa).
  • Leigh Anne Joyce (Emily).
  • Mary Beth Babcock (Herself).
  • Maggie Kiley (Mother).
  • Rod McLachlan (Father).
  • London Raftery (Little Girl).
  • Beckett Konstantine (Little Boy).
  • Torey Byrne (Faith).

            The synopsis follows.  Home, James (2014) is a drama movie about an improbable romance, out of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma U.S.A.  In the City of Tulsa, a young man named James drives people home, who are too drunk to drive themselves.  James calls the service Safe and Sound.  Furthermore, he uses a miniature motorcycle, which can be folded, and placed inside the trunk of the car.  After a busy night working the Safe and Sound business, James drives an attractive woman named Cooper to her home.  James is also an aspiring photographer.  As a result, of this passion for the art, James also works events as the event photographer.  During an event, James walks around taking pictures.  An attractive woman captures his attention; completely.  Surprisingly, the woman is Cooper.  One night, James visits his friend Mike.  Mike works as a bartender.  James is talking to Mike at the bar, when unexpectedly, Cooper appears to order a drink.  James tries to talk to Cooper, however, Cooper lets James know that she knows who he is.  James stayed until the bar closed, because, he spent the night talking to Mike.  As James is leaving, by coincidence, he notices Cooper in a severely drunken state.  Cooper is attempting to enter the car, in order, to drive home.  James successfully convinces Cooper, to let him drive her home.  On the way home; they buy food, and, they pass time eating in the car.  James and Cooper decide to extend the night.  They travel and watch the sunrise.  Furthermore, Cooper tells James that, she is moving to New York City in one month.  Cooper wanted to clarify things with James; first.  Additionally, they kiss for the first time.  This marks the beginning of an improbable romance; the romance between James and Cooper.  Director Jonathan Rossetti does a fantastic job with this movie.  The cinematography is very captivating, and, engaging.  Additionally; the music, from unknown music artists, adds a tremendous amount of authenticity.  Furthermore, the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, comes alive.  The writers, Julie Gearheard and Jonathan Rossetti, do an equally fantastic job.  This movie is well written, and, very engaging.  The officially recognized stars contribute tremendously.  They would be missed, if they were not chosen.  Special recognition is merited to Kerry Knuppe for the Cooper character.  Overall, this movie earns the rating of 7 out of 10. 
            The movie narrative of, Home, James (2014), is as follows.  In the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma U.S.A., James drives a man home.  The man is too drunk to drive.  Furthermore, this is a service that James provides, in exchange, for payment.  James uses a miniature motorcycle that can be folded, and, placed inside the trunk of a car.  James takes his motorcycle out of the trunk, and, he proceeds to the next job.  The service is called Safe and Sound.  This night, James does several jobs.  Finally, James arrives at the last job for the night.  Furthermore, James takes an attractive woman named Cooper, to her home.  For some reason, Cooper grabs James’s attention, and, romantic interest.  James is also an aspiring photographer.  James stops, to be able, to photograph the Tulsa downtown.  James returns to his apartment.  James travels to a photographic camera store, in order, to use the dark room.  Larry appears to be, the owner of the store.  James talks to Larry, before using the dark room.  Sam is an employee of the store.  She is also James’s friend.  James plays basketball, with his friend Mike.  Mike is a bartender at a bar.  James arrives at a dinner event.  Furthermore, James is there as the photographer for the event.  James walks around the event, and out of nowhere, an attractive woman captures his attention.  The attractive woman is Cooper.  The event is over, and, James meets up with his friend Mike.  Mike is working as the bartender, this night.  Sam, James’s friend, is also there.  Surprisingly, Cooper is also there, and, she orders a drink from Mike.  James tries to introduce himself to Cooper.  However, Cooper lets James know that, she knows who he is.  The bar closes, and, James is the last person to leave.  Coincidentally; he finds Cooper, in a severely drunken state, attempting to drive home.  James successfully convinces Cooper, to let him drive.  They buy food, and, they pass time talking in the car; outside of Cooper’s home.  James and Cooper decide to extend the night.  James and Cooper arrive at a location, where they can, watch the sun rise.  Additionally, they continue talking.  Cooper shares that, currently her life is in transition.  Furthermore, that she would like to leave the City of Tulsa.  They also kiss for the first time.  Cooper clarifies that, she is moving to New York City in one month.  The next day, James passes time at the camera store with Sam.  Unexpectedly, Cooper arrives at the store.  Cooper says hello to James, and then, she leaves.  That night, James works the Safe and Sound business.  The next day, James continues taking photographs.  That night, James arrives at an event, in order, to work the event as the photographer.  Cooper is also in attendance, at this event.  Cooper grabs a bottle of liquor, and, takes James away.  James doesn’t work the event, as the photographer.  James drives, and, Cooper starts to drink.  James and Cooper arrive at, Cooper’s apartment.  They talk about Cooper moving, to New York City.  The next morning, James submits his work to a photography gallery.  James goes to the camera store, and, he uses the dark room.  Cooper visits James at his apartment.  James sets-up an appointment, in order, to show his portfolio to the owner of the photography gallery.  That night, James meets Cooper’s friends.  Furthermore, they pass time at a bar.  Cooper’s friends approve of James.  At the end of the night, James and Cooper return to Cooper’s apartment, for sexual intercourse.  James attends a meeting, with the owner of the photography gallery.  James goes on another date, with Cooper.  Cooper calls James, her boyfriend, for the first time.  That night, they pass time at a fair.  After the fair, the couple travels to the downtown area.  James also receives good news.  James’s photographs have been chosen to be displayed, at a photography gallery.  James arrives at Cooper’s apartment.  Cooper is excited, because, she found her apartment in New York City.  James and Cooper pass time, with Cooper’s friends at a bar.  Mike and Sam are also there, at the same bar.  Mike and Sam pass time talking to, James and Cooper.  The scene changes, and, James passes time in the dark room.  Regrettably, Larry tells James that, the dark room equipment is being removed.  James and Sam talk, outside the store.  James appears to be angry, with Sam.  Furthermore, James passes the day being angry at life.  James calls Cooper, and, he tells her that he wants to go with her to New York City.  James calls Cooper, and, they pass time together.  James and Cooper pass time with, Cooper’s friends at a bar.  James gets drunk, and, he makes a telephone call.  Through the telephone call, James cancels the photographs for the exhibit.  James talks to Mike, while Mike is working, as a bartender.  James wants to continue drinking, but, Mike cuts off the service.  Cooper wants to continue drinking, but, James is angry.  He also wants to leave, the bar.  James and Cooper have their first fight, and, James leaves her at the bar.  James crash lands his motorcycle.  However, he gets up and arrives at his apartment; walking.  James passes the day, ignoring the telephone messages.  James asks Larry, for the dark room equipment.  Larry gives James the equipment.  Furthermore, James apologizes to Sam.  From this point forward; the series of events, take the viewer, to the end.  James and Cooper continue with their fight.  James is forced to decide, the romantic relationship with Cooper.  Finally; you have to watch, in order to know, how this movie ends.
            The movie narrative of the feature film, Home, James (2014), ends with some Hollywood facts.  The country of origin is the United States of America.  The official language is English.  Unfortunately, there are no other notable release dates.  Additionally and regrettably, there is no box office data that, is available for this feature film.  There is 1 filming location, in total, for this particular movie.  The filming location is Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.  The production company is Cinedigm.  The distributor is Cinedigm Entertainment Group (U.S.A.).
            To end and as always, RB28’s Movie Narratives, encourages you to continue reading the posted movie narratives.  The aforementioned blog strives to provide basic information, so that it, becomes inspiration.  Movies are a great pleasure to RB28’s Movie Narratives, and, the blog’s author hopes that they are for you as well.  For this week, and in conclusion, the feature film was Home, James (2014).  RB28’s Movie Narratives looks forward to seeing you next week, when another movie will be highlighted.


Regrettably, there is no movie trailer that, is available.

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